About Us
Noble Winter is devoted to creating distinctive, original patterns printed on premium textiles, made by skilled artisans. We aspire to bring you fabrics, lighting and home goods that impart an atmosphere of comfort and joy into your home, through the use of playful color, soothing patterns, and soft textures.
Every item is designed in Nashville and made in the USA, using a small network of independent, skilled workshops. We are committed to ethical production and deploy eco-friendly production practices.
Our products can be found in the creative projects of distinguished interior designers, as well as growing list of independent retailers.
Luxe Fabrics
Our signature line of by-the-yard fabric is crafted from fine Belgian Linens and durable Cotton/Linen blends.
Responsibly Made
Our fabrics and home goods are digitally printed using an eco-friendly process. Made with care in the USA.
Shop Small
As an independent, small business we are able to provide a personalized experience and collaborate with our clients.
Hollie is the founder and designer
of Noble Winter Home Textiles. As a data analyst, she has always enjoyed the puzzle-like nature of pattern design.During her career as a data and
reporting analyst at Twentieth Century Fox Film & Television in Los
Angeles, Hollie focused her creative energy on painting & graphic design.
After designing for a decade in the baby and wedding industries, she shifted
her focus to surface design and home textiles.Hollie's work has earned recognition
from top brands and national publications.Today, she is a wife and mother that
is happy to call Tennessee her home. She hopes that her collection of home
goods inspires your own creative possibilities.